Framingham's food service program.... grows larger
For the second year in a row, the summer meals program at Framingham High has helped provide nutritious meals to those who are in need. From the Tab...
They are serving 800 meals a day at the high school....up from 500 last year. All with your tax dollars and a gift from Project Bread of 11,000 dollars... Even though Beacon Hill cut there funding. Now this is why I pay taxes... and donate money. Helping with the basics.... a decent meal for the kids in the summer.... why not?
One troubling number that was presented by Elaine Taber, director of education policy at Project Bread, "only 18% of eligible kids who can get free meals, actually use the program".
Not a good sign... but there is still a stigma with being poor at school and creative ways should be found to increase the awareness and decrease the stigma.